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Aug. 24 2023
I recently had one of those moments of frustration that turned to humility. As farmers, running 24/7/365 is the life. We have a very high stress job because so many different entities depend on us each...
Aug. 21 2023
Summer is coming to an end, and it’s time to go back to school. However, I won’t be going home empty-handed
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Aug. 18 2023
As we were moving some cows and heifers to our calving pen today, it hit me that the cattle we were moving all have due dates further out than my own
Aug. 17 2023
Dairy’s data-driven technological revolution opens new and exciting opportunities in cow care and labor efficiency
cull cows blog
Aug. 17 2023
In years past, while milking in the parlor, labeling an animal as a cull cow was pretty straightforward
Aug. 14 2023
While I was searching for information sources to use for a different writing assignment, I came across a Penn State Extension article that discussed managing weeds
Aug. 11 2023
It is Corn Silage Harvest 2023 here at Hillcrest Farms. This year we have been blessed with rain and a good corn crop
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Aug. 8 2023
There are many articles and studies about “impostor syndrome” and its impact on women
Aug. 7 2023
Last week, Wisconsin experienced some pretty high temperatures that seem to be sticking around. I heard the phrase, “You should be used to the heat since you’re from the south,” multiple...
Aug. 7 2023
With much of the Midwest facing limited rainfall and dry conditions, expected forage yield and forage inventories are an area of concern
Aug. 4 2023
One of the annual summer staples around here — best served up lathered in butter and a good sprinkling of salt, in my opinion — is homegrown sweet corn
Aug. 3 2023
We are just about halfway through the 500 babies that will be born during this calving season on the farm in New Zealand where I am interning this summer
July 31 2023
The day of a cattle show can be stressful. Having someone follow the cows around with a manure pan is crucial in order to catch any excrement that comes out the back side
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July 27 2023
Last night, I came home late from ball practice. A few months ago, I started assisting a travel softball team that consists of 8- to 10-year-olds
July 26 2023
While a 20% pregnancy rate was once the standard goal, that is not the case today
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July 26 2023
Okay, this week’s article is going to be a little different. Honestly, I just want to complain for a few minutes
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July 25 2023
County and state dairy promotion programs were created to help promote the nutritional benefits of milk and dairy products to consumers
July 21 2023
New Zealand is home to about 5 million people and 5 million cows. That is half the number of cows that are in the United States, all on an island not quite the size of California
July 20 2023
Served in a classic cone, layered with cookie dough, whipped together with fresh peaches, concocted into a brownie-lover’s dream, drenched with strawberries, submerged in a tall glass of root beer,...
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July 17 2023
There’s something about the warm glow of summer sunshine that puts everything into the perfect light